So, Obama is the new President-Elect (wooooooo!), I went to Europe for 15 days (woooooo!) and have come back to probably not a job after December (YIKES). This scares the bejesus out of me. I've emailed a contact to see if I can get any advice from her, which is good, and I'll definitely start scanning the jobs boards, but the market is hell, which is why I probably won't have a job (not enough work for the company to merit hiring me). Oh, the economy. Long story short; I have to start searching, and I have to start clamping down on expenses. Good news: I have almost $4000 in savings for emergencies, and can also dip into the moving fund if necessary. Bad news: that would be moving backwards financially, which I'm not keen to do. Argh.
Will write about Europe later, as it was amazing.