Thursday, August 12, 2004

Post Uno.

So, I decided to follow Tessa's footprints and try this whole blog thing. We'll see how it goes. It took me a long, long time to decide on a name for this thing, I tend to give things like names far more importance than they likely merit. Anyway, I've finally settled on Never Reason, so welcome, all.

Not much going on right now (which is a big reason for me starting this), it's still way too hot in Vancouver for me to be doing anything terribly active. Had Cousin's Day today, which was fun. My cousin Jenn and I took our two little cousins, the moppets, to the waterpark at Chaldecott. It was a lot of fun, but wow, that waterpark has changed since I was a kid. I'd seen it, as it's relatively close to my house, but I'd never played in it before (participation is mandatory, with the moppets). Quite fun, although I'd forgotten how much shrieking toddlers do when they play. We also took them to an ice cream place, where they both ordered 'blue bubblegum' (ew) ice cream. Jenn and I opted for other, less technicolor flavours. Waterpark AND ice cream! Jenn and I are awesome cousins.

(Author's Note: Yeah, this is like 5 mins later. Couldn't decide on a template, so for now we're going with the pink. woo!)

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