Saturday, February 12, 2005

Work, And Play!

It was sloooooww in work today. I mean, if there'd just been two of us, it would've been fine, even brisk. But with 3 people working the front, we were all looking for stuff to do. On the bright side, we were totally on the ball the whole time as a result. Also, I got my first paycheck, which was awesome!

Last night, T, N and I went to the mini Richmond Night Market that was on for Chinese New Year (which was on Wednesday, so Happy New Year!). It was awesome, as all night markets are. This was smaller than the summer version, but still had tons of weirdly useful and unusual useless things to offer. T and I bought beach bags that are so cute. Mine is yellow, with pink and white accents, and a big lemon on it. T's is pink, with a ladybug. And they were only $10! N bought a cigarette holder, won a free umbrella, and purchased some food. T and N were both sucked in by the man at the Magipad booth, and bought themselves each portable heating pads, so they can be "hot for the rest of their lives". I love the night market.


Anonymous said...

Who is 'N'? I just want to know if N= Girly...and if so, why does N need a cigarette holder?? If N isn't Girly, I care less...but cigarettes are evil!

J-Bird said...

Heh, N is not Girly. Girly will remain Girly and only Girly for the time being. N is someone else, and the cigarette holder is for...not cigarettes. You know.