Monday, October 04, 2004

Mish-Mash of Information

I spent much of today studying. It was boring, but nice to actually get some work done. I still have to go back to the library later tonight though, I have midterms this week, and I'm somewhat behind. Ah, school; now I remember what I didn't miss about you.

My GST refund came in the mail today! That's $56.00 in the bank, people! Wooo! Yep, it's good times. I actually really do need the money, so the pleasure of getting that surprise cheque in the mail was even bigger than usual. Now I can pay off (part of) my visa bill!

Greg and I have nothing to eat that's actually in a food group, not that this comes as a surprise after looking at our shopping list, so we have to go to Safeway and get some food. We suck at Home Ec. On the bright side, the bank is next to Safeway, so I can deposit my cheque. We did actually have a healthy dinner last night, when we baked a lasagna my mom had left for us in the freezer. It was so good. I think I may be getting malnourished.

And finally, I forgot to mention that on Saturday, I bought three gorgeous white shadow boxes, and I am now having way too much fun organizing them. I'm going to take down all the little frames I have in my room, and just focus on the really great pictures and momentoes. So excited!

Gotta go, we're off to buy some edibles. Can't wait for real food! It feels like it's been so long!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh oh, make sure you get some good stuff in ya! Apples and Squash would be good since they're in season! Hope all you tests go well