Monday, October 11, 2004

How Was Your Thanksgiving?

Mine was awesome. One, there was more food than I can possibly describe, including the all-important pumpkin pie, and I wasn't forced to eat any brussel sprouts. Also, great conversation and not an awkward moment in the mix. And lord, was I full.

A brief sampling of the happenings;

Gail: Oh no, the middle of the grape-cake didn't get cooked properly!
Alec: Gail, I love the middle of the cake!

Jaman:...And then she was like "I'm only telling you because you can relate", and I was like "I can't relate!"

There was lots more, but the tryptophans made me forget.

1 comment:

Miss Behaving [badly] said...

Hello from australia :)
Your post made me smile (not to mention hungry) We do not celebrate thanksgiving and I have never eaten this delectable sounding "pumpkin pie" you speak of.
Is it sweet ? Can I see a picture.
I am very curious !
Love HeroineGirl