Friday, April 03, 2009

Fully Loaded!

My emergency fund is now at $10,000, which is where I've decided to hold off funding it any further for now.  $10,000 is a comfortable cushion, and the money that would go there can now go to my apartment fund and toward my retirement savings goals.  The retirement savings is particularly important, as that's flying at the low low sum of zero dollars right now (yikes).  I'm hoping by the end of the year I can get it to $10,000.  If I can stay employed, then I think I can do it.  If not...well, it'll be tough.  But hey, anything is better than zero!

I feel like I should redefine my goals, since where I am now, financially, is so different from where I started out.  So here they are:

Retirement Savings (not including TFSA)
(2009) Goal = $10,000
Now = nothing

Goal = $7,000.00
Now = $4,668.91

This one I handle a bit differently.  It's definitely a short-term savings account, in that I save for specific trips.  My goal is to have saved (and travelled) about $2,500 worth per year.  Right now it's at $1,000, but I go to California in a week, so it'll be nosediving soon.  But that, at least, is guilt-free!

And the new one....Down Payment
(Lord knows when) Goal = $30,000 at least (sigh)
Now = zippo (SIGH.)

I have a long way to go.  But I'll never reach a goal I don't set, so hey, 1 step's already done!

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