Friday, September 29, 2006


It's 5:48 AM, and I'm awake. Not because there's something I needed to get up for, mind you. There's no fun early mornin plan, or even some sort of sadistic early morning work out regime. No, I'm awake because sometime between 12 midnight and 5 AM, while I was sleeping, my sinuses (my maxillary sinuses, specifically. Those are the ones on either side of the nose) have staged a coup, in a bid for total body domination. Actually, it's really only my right maxillary sinus. The left one is calmly waiting, ready to strike when needed. My sinus (and nose) actually hurt enough that I woke up at 5 AM. I don't think I've ever been woken up by getting sick. I've woken up at the usual time and found myself sick. I've also gone to sleep sick and woken up in the middle of the night feeling like crap and needing a cold cloth for my head, etc etc. But this is a definite milestone in the saga of illnesses in the life of Jan. I'm sure there's a party going on somewhere.

Possibly in my right sinus.

Kettle's boiling. I'm making tea. Wish me well.

1 comment:

Evi said...

I do wish you well, and I am also impressed that you know where your maxillary sinus is!