Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sittin'. And Snow!

Just got home from babysitting for a family that I've been with for yeeeears now. It's kind of fun, watching the kids grow up. The oldest is in Grade 8 now, and she's going on a date in Saturday! Clearly way ahead of me at that age. The two boys have grown up too; one's a little less out of control, and the youngest is turning out to be a very chill little guy...if I were make predictions, I'd say the older boy will be surrounded by girls who think they love him, while the youngest will be the one that girls really fall for. He's gonna be a heartbreaker, that one.

Babysitting, even at the ripe old age of 23, is nice every once in a while. A calm night, hanging out with the kids, watching TV and reading. It's like alone time, but you get paid.

It's snowing! Pretty hard, too. It's a little strange, considering that in 15 minutes it will be March. The snow has been a frequent visitor, this year (relative to other years here, as opposed to other cities. This is Vancouver. Snow's like fairy gold here). It's pretty though, and I got to walk the block home from babysitting alone, in the dark, in the snow. A nice way to end the night.

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