Saturday, December 30, 2006


Hey, thanks for the comments everyone! I loooove comments. And I looove you! I also may be on painkillers right now. It happens! And also, makes J-Bird a very, very happy girl (wooo no pain!).

I feel like I should explain. For the past...hmm, week, say, I've had increasing discomfort because of something that has not officially been diagnosed. I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but I haven't been to a doctor yet (I know, that is ridiculous, but seriously people, do you have any IDEA how hard it is to get a doctor over the Christmas/New Year week? Do you? I promise I will go to one soon. Also, what I have does not look to be horribly evil. Excuse me, I must knock on some wood.). During this time, I have also come down with a cold/flu/pain in the ass, all of which have combined into demonic choir that sings "Jan gets tired after two hours of light activity and, irony of ironies, Jan cannot sleep properly! Oh no, sleep will not be thine! Ha! Suffer, suffer!" To which I respond by metaphorically cowering in a corner and whimpering.

But today, today I decided I would take pills. I am not normally a fan of pills, I generally figure my body should be able to take the pain, since I am young and in good health (generally). But today, I was wise enough to throw that crap to the side, and swallow me some meds. And can I just tell you, meds are fantastic. I would almost marry them. I really almost would. I looove meds. And they love me. Well, pain meds. Not malaria meds. Malaria meds make me have awful, scary dreams, where everything is crazy and I am doomed. Doomed! So the malaria meds are bad.

Any good/bad medicine stories from you guys? Tell us!


Anonymous said...

Let's see, med stories... Well, coming out of general anesthesia SUCKS--slash so does fainting while on crutches. I also am not a fan of pills, so I decided to not take my T3's immediately after knee surgery as instructed, and instead waited for the IV meds to wear off, so I could "see what it's like." Bad, bad idea. After orthopaedic surgery, codeine is your friend!

Evi said...

Hi Jan! Sounds like you and your body are making some good decisions. Keep it up! For a headache I'd be like whatever I'll suck it up...but it sounds like you know what you're doing. I hope whatever you have envolves a speedy recovery. Take care.