Sunday, November 28, 2004

Are There Any Songs About Seattle?

I'm not aware of any. But Seattle is where Greg, T, Tessa and I went today, for a little south-of-the-border shopping. It was fun. We went to Northgate, a suburbia mall, as well as wandered about downtown. We met up with T's mum, and she came with, which was awesome. I found a new favourite store. Sadly, it exists only in the US, but that's likely for the best when considering my financial state.

We found one interesting difference between BC and Washington while ordering food at Red Robin's. I ordered a burger, and the waitress (who, by the way, was very friendly and helpful) asked me "would you like a little pink in your burger, or no pink?". She asked Greg the same question, and he just looked at her, completely confused, until I told him "no pink". This pink vs. no pink thing is not an option I've ever come across before. I assumed no one liked pink in their burgers, because of E. coli. I'm pretty sure burgers can't be pink here at home. Anyway, it was pretty funny, as Greg had no idea at all what was going on.

Another thing we noticed was that there were far more babies and toddlers in the mall than in Vancouver. I don't know whether Seattle just has more babies, or if it's a cultural thing, and Seattle...ites? bring their kids shopping more. It was cute though, little tots running all over the place.

It was a fun trip, although now I'm exhausted. And I didn't even really do anything; we conned Greg into driving.

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