Friday, February 24, 2006


In the car
N: Okay, so I'm just going to say it. I love Kelly Clarkson.
Jan: Oh, me too. I mean, I wasn't a fan of her early stuff.
N: I know, I totally thought she was crappy.
Jan: I know! And then I heard Since You've Been Gone, and never
N: turned back! I KNOW!
Jan: God I love her.
N: I know, she's my K.C.

On the phone
Jan: So what are you up to tonight?
Girly: I don't know, me and the boy might watch the movie we downloaded.
Jan: There you go squandering your money on useless luxuries again.
Girly: I know! Heh.

Playing Buddhism Jeopardy in class
Reader: The guy in the Heart Sutra, like higher than a man...
Guy: Bodhisattva?
Reader: Yes! But which one?
Jan: ...Av, Avalokitesvara?
Reader: YES!
Sekke: Seriously, Jan? What is wrong with you?
Jan: I have no idea.
Random: That's a two pointer, right there.

Sasha Cohen skates
Jan: You know, she annoys me sometimes, but damn can she act the skate. Too bad she fell.
Mom: I like her dress.
Jan: ...okay.

Shizuka Arakawa skates
Jan: Oooh, Ina Bauer.
Mom: Thats not a word!
Jan: It's a name, Mom. Ina Bauer
Mom: Oh. It's very pretty.

Irina Slutskaya
Jan: What the hell?!
Mom: What? She fell. Everyone's falling tonight.
Jan: But she never. falls. Never.
Mom: She did tonight.
Jan: Along with the rest of the world. This night of skating? Sucks.
Mom: I thought you liked the Japanese girl.
Jan: I did, she was beautiful. But this? This is crap. I miss Kurt Browning.
Mom: Kurt Browning is a man!
Jan: You miss him too.
Mom: I do.

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