Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's Got Me Convinced

I want a Magic Bullet.

Have you seen the infomercial? This couple that apparently collects moochers as a hobby goes through the amazing abilities of this tiny little blender system that can do everything from smoothies to salsa to soup to sorbet. And it even makes things that don't start with the letter "s"! More importantly, the couple uses ridiculously specific times in their commercials. It takes six seconds to make chocolate mousse. However, it takes eight seconds to make raspberry- mango sorbet. I also enjoy that the casting agent decided the male half of the couple would be Australian. This allows him to say things like "and just throw in some tomato, and one, two, three seconds, Bob's your Uncle, and you've got salsa!".

Who doesn't want a Magic Bullet?

(Note: I actually do want one. The ridiculous ad is just a bonus.)

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