Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Snow, Cousins and Growing

Sunpeaks was beautiful. Pure white everywhere, and falling from the sky. Because of the basketball game of death, I wasn't able to do anything but snowshoe, but it was great to have an actual weekend, and snowshoeing was beautiful. In addition I had a chance to use Pretty (that's Pretty D50, my camera), and try out the various functions.

I also got to hang out with Peek, and my cousins, Jackie (just 7) and Stephanie (8). We played dress-up, as well as several games of Sorry! (I won both), Cadoo (kid's Cranium), and between me and Peek a game I think is called Teacher's Question, which is the most politically incorrect children's game I've ever seen. Here are some examples:

Q: If you're an albino, what colour is your skin?
A: White

Q: Obese people are all _____.
A: Fat

Needless to say, we were laughing hysterically.

The two cousin units are ludicrously cute. As evidence, note this conversation I had with Jackie on the ride up to Sunpeaks.

Parents in the front: We want to take the girls to Disneyland, but Jackie is an inch too short for most of the rides. mumblemumblemumble.

Jackie: Janice?

Jan: Yes?

Jackie: I keep trying to eat lots and lots, but I just can't grow that inch!

Happily, we measured her over the weekend, and she now only needs half an inch! Way to go Jackie!

So cute.


Santosh Jena said...

ur blog is nice and attractive. why dont u use ur 'pretty' and upload one of ur image in the blog.


Anonymous said...

Is this "Teacher's Questions" a really game (as in "can you buy it?") or did you make it up?

J-Bird said...

Teacher's Questions really is (or was)a game. It's pretty old (I thik it was maybe a hand-me-down from my aunt and uncle's generation) which could explain the questions. I don't know if you can buy it anymore; I've never seen it on store shelves.

J-Bird said...

Oops, my bad. It's called Teacher's Quiz, I found one on eBay, although it looks like a newer edition than the one Peek and I played.