Thursday, September 02, 2004

Disclaimer and Update

I want to say that my comments on marriage are not meant to offend anyone in any way. I understand that some (most) people are more mature than I am, and ready to take that very big step. I, while applauding you, am definitely not one of them. My parents didn't get married until they were thirty, however, so maybe it's a genetic thing.

Editing has been slow today. I think there've been more modifications I've had to type in in the last fifteen chapters than the first 14. Fortunately, the story is pretty interesting, so I don't have to worry about losing consciousness or anything. I can't imagine editing a college textbook about grammar or something. Kudos to those who can edit writings lacking plot or intriguing subject matter.

Also, does anyone know where I can get the pretty red square photo album by Havoc Publishing? Tessa has it, and I 'secretly' covet it, but she bought it in Edmonton, which is useless to me.

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