Wednesday, September 01, 2004

September 1st Means Cleaning!

So, once I started putting things in the accordion folder, I went on a bit of a cleaning rampage in my room. I've been trying to weed through all the stuff that's just been lying around. I've managed to throw a lot of papers out, and I found a lot of financial statements lying around, which is odd. Also found a lot of stuff to add to The Box. The finding of that sutff wasn't so much fun, but I'm glad that I won't find it later on.

I'm still not finished, unfortunately. I think I've gotten rid of everything that I don't want, which means that now I have to find room for everything that I need to keep. The biggest problems are coming from things of a bookish nature. Not just books, but old binders, photo albums, diaries, magazines etc. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them all. I hope I figure it out soon though, because I remember a couple years ago, I managed to clear almost everything out of my room, and it felt very liberating. Plus, my room is rather small, and I'd like to clear everything off the floor so that I can vacuum, paying special attention to the dust planets under my bed.

As for the accordion folder, it has already well earned it's (low) price. I've managed to put all sorts of weird little things in it, and I'm finally able to collect each type of thing into the same place! It's very satisfying to be organized.

Now, if only I wasn't too lazy to maintain it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Over the last few weeks, I have been rearranging/reorganizing/cleaning my room, which has always been a disaster area, and I believe I have found the secret to being organized: never create a system that you, with your own special cleanliness needs and abilities, cannot maintain. I, for one, only clean in binges. To accomodate this, I took a bunch of clothes out of my drawers and stacked them on shelves in cupboards. Now I have enough excess space in the clothing storage areas that everything will fit even if I just chuck it in, laundry hamper-style. I know I can't keep up if I have to fold things, but I have proven time and time again my ability to chuck stuff onto piles that I may eventually go through. So now I have piles in my drawers and on my shelves. And it works! Now I am working on creating a 'miscelaneous stuff' pile in some sort of decorative box or basket that can live on my desk or floor for things that aren't clothes. I am a genius.