Sunday, October 31, 2004

I Have The Best Friends

So, I've been swinging on the rope of moods all day, which I guess makes sense; my friends kept me so busy yesterday that I all but forgot my anger and hurt. Today of course, it's back, but I luckily have amazing friends, who have my back always.

This morning, I gave Tessa a call, and we chatted and caught up on each other's lives, which was, as always with her, awesome. She also commiserated with me about the joys of getting a long-desired piercing. The wise Tessa told me it's so satisfying because it's something you do purely for yourself; it's entirely selfish, and that makes it even better. And it's true. It's like when I got my hair cut. It made me happy because it was all for me. I think I lost some of that when I was still a 'girlfriend'. I lost some of my autonomy. That was entirely my fault, he never asked me to give it up, and I would never imply it was his idea. It is very nice to have it back though, so i think next time I start dating someone, I'm going to have to make sure I keep it.

I also talked to Jo, who was a wonderful listening ear, and didn't give much advice, which is exactly what I needed. I feel much better now, less anxious and sick. I really do have beautiful friends. They're always there to listen or help, and I love them for it.

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